AC2 Innovation Award 2019
Congrats to Cognesys - an RWTH Spin-off
At the AC² Innovation Award ceremony in the historic city hall, several nominated RWTH teams were waiting in suspense for the results in categories startup, growth and innovation last night. The nominees have contributed with their ventures to economic and industrial growth in the region of Aachen and beyond.
Innovative semantic software that understands what you actually mean? This is not a future vision any more, thanks to Cognesys GmbH – an RWTH spin-off that won in the category innovation tonight. Congrats!
Everybody is talking about sustainability. But who thought you could actually recycle blood bags? RWTH University Hospital spin-off PL BioScience GmbH developed a system to process blood cells into a novel and highly efficient medium for cell cultivation.
In the category startup, Dr. Valentine Gesché and her team form PerAGraft won the first price after already receiving the NRW Innovation Award last month. We compliment the team on their invention around patient-individualised implants. Read more about her Project here.
All these great ideas which originate from the RWTH ecosphere are our motivator to develop an even more extensive support structure for RWTH innovators. Stay tuned for our next big thing: We’re building the biggest tech-incubator in Euorpe powered by Exzellenz Start-up Center.NRW at RWTH Aachen University.