Incubation Program

Application Details

We look forward to receiving your application for our upcoming batches. Promising applicants will receive an invite to our Selection Day where they will have the opportunity to pitch in front of our selection committee (5-minute online pitch in English). Learn more about our target group, requirements and important dates.

Target Group

Mature founding teams with an initial pre-seed investment (e.g. via EXIST scholarship or business angels) or a remaining runway for at least 6 months that seek to make the next step in getting market ready & securing additional funding.

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: 15.07.2024
  • Selection Day: 29.07.2024
  • Announcement of Participation: 30.07.2024
  • Kick-Off Day: 26.08.2024
  • Demo Day: 25.11.2024
  • Duration & Format: 3 months in hybrid format - combination of digital & live events (no relocation required)
  • Start-up Selection Process: Promising applicants will receive an invite to our Selection Day where they will have the opportunity to pitch in front of our selection committee (online pitch)


  • Idea: Clear and innovative deep-tech-focused product/ service offering
  • Motivation: Full-time commitment from teams, we expect to see at least one representative of the start-up in attendance at all program workshops and all team members during our in-person events. Participation will amount to approximately 3-5 hours per week
  • Team: The combined team brings the necessary experience and a strong skillset to the table. One does not need to be a current student or researcher of the RWTH Aachen University to qualify for the program - all founding teams from Europe are welcome to apply.
  • Business Model: We look for a convincing pitch with clear product-market-fit, feasibility, scalability and attractive investment opportunity.
  • Financial Status: We look for teams with an initial pre-seed investment (e.g. EXIST, bootstrapped) or a remaining runway for at least 6 months3-month acceleration program for early-stage deep tech start-ups.

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Unsere Vision ist es, den führenden Technologie-Inkubator Europas aufzubauen, um talentierte und motivierte Gründungsinteressierte dabei zu unterstützen, leistungsfähige Technologieunternehmen aufzubauen.

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