Presenting the RWTH Innovation Award 2020
To Infinity and Beyond - There are no limits to inventions
In times like these, innovative ideas and technological progress are more important than ever. Therefore, it is of vital importance to make sure that outstanding research results find their way into society.
The annual RWTH Innovation Award honours particularly innovative, technology-driven ideas with high market potential, thus helping to bridge the gap between science and industry and bring ideas from research into application. By rewarding socially relevant innovations from the university's environment, it ensures that the full innovation potential of RWTH Aachen University can be unfolded and turned into socially beneficial technologies through successful knowledge and technology transfer.
Inventions have no limits, everything is possible. The motto of the Innovation Award 2020 – “To Infinity and Beyond” – reflects this mindset. The large number of exciting applications again made it difficult for the jury to make a decision and select three outstanding innovations.
The winners of the RWTH Innovation Awards 2020 have now been announced. First place goes to the
the H BOX team, which developed a mobile device for extracorporeal therapy of carbon monoxide poisoning. The technology enables fast and effective treatment and can be made available nationwide at low cost.
Tied for second place are the BioThrust and MOVES teams. BioThrust scored with an innovative membrane technology for bubble-free aeration of bioreactors, which allows sustainable production in the field of biotechnology. The MOVES team created the Storm Model Checker, a software tool based on probabilistic model checking techniques that can prevent software errors in a wide range of applications.
Due to the pandemic, the official award ceremony at RWTHtransparent could not take place. This year, the teams therefore, all at the same time, were informed about their placement via video message instead. The certificates and trophies are being sent to the teams.
Find further information here.