F*ck Up Stories Aachen

We make failure respectable! We want to encourage people to be crazy and to tackle ideas. To do this, we break open taboo topics - talk about failures and learnings. Come by, we are looking forward to getting to know you...

We offer you:

  • 4 sessions with exciting entrepreneurs
  • 7 minutes to talk about their fuck ups
  • 7 minutes time for questions
  • Networking



The Team

QuellPunkt,  digitalHUB Aachen,  Studienberatung der RWTH Aachen, AC.E - Aachener Entrepreneurship Team, Collective Incubator and we are convinced that a culture of mistakes and dealing with failure are important for personal and entrepreneurial success.


You can find more events on collæb.

Here you can find an excerpt from one of the last Fuck Up Stories Aachen.