The RWTH Expert Hubs complement our coaching programs by representing topic-specific platforms for start-ups and entrepreneurial minds to network, develop, and grow. To do so, we leverage the entire RWTH Aachen University network and connect you with RWTH research experts and fellow founders to discuss your most pressing challenges. Besides, we aim to provide you with access to the resources and infrastructure you need (e.g., labs, testing facilities, offices) to develop your prototype or validate your technology. We also organize regular events which address topics that shape your industry or day-to-day start-up work, allowing you to broaden your network and discuss current trends.

In total, we operate 5 Expert Hubs (Digitized Hardware, Resources, Life Science, Digital Start-ups and Circular Economy). Each Expert Hub consists of several subordinate “Bases” (e.g., Information & Communication Technologies, 21st Century Production, Future of Mobility & Urban Life, Advanced & Sustainable Textiles) and is co-hosted by one of our RWTH institutes. Please check out our RWTH Expert Hub topic map below and find out which Hub and Base can best support you:"


If you want to become a part of our Expert Hubs, have a specific topic in mind that we can help you with, or have any other questions or feedback for us—please reach out to us:

Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Recker
Entrepreneurship Manager
+49 241 80 92809